U S regs states that vodka is alcohol distilled to 95% that has no discernable flavor characteristics. There are some tricks, and it is clear that vodka distilled from rye is different from vodka distilled from sugar beets. In the last 15 years, craft producers have wonderfully increased what’s out there. Below is one of the best.
DSP CA 162 Vodka
DSP CA 162 Buddha’s Hand Citron Vodka:
Infused with one of the planet’s greatest exotic fruits. Normally it’s almost impossible to distill lemon-like fruit because the juice is so powerfully acidic and wants to oxidize and precipitate in the bottle. But this beautifully aromatic fruit is all pith. Flavors are subtle, complex, and long-lasting. A true gem.
DSP CA 162 Malaysian Lime Vodka:
As with lemons, limes are notoriously hard to distill. A deeper and richer flavor can be derived from macerating not the fruit but the leaves – the ones used in Thai cuisine. The Kirkpatricks pick them by hand, and they are macerating within 24 hours. This is one of the only lime spirits that doesn’t smell like lime Lifesavers
DSP CA 162 Straight Vodka:
Blending high-proof distilled by hand from premium aromatic grapes (muscat, viognier) into pharm-grade magically removes that funky ethanol aroma and taste. This vodka does not need to be put in the freezer: it’s sippable right out of the bottle. Why does everyone drink vodka in fruit cocktails and even add sugar to them? to hide the harshness and flavor of vodkas not as clean and pure as this one.
DSP CA 162 Tangerine Vodka:
Crispin tried a lot of tangerines, but at John Kirkpatrick’s suggestion he settled on the delicate Sunshine. For complexity, he blends in a few tangelos (a hybrid of tangerine and grapefruit: tangy). When you smell the vodka, it is exactly like the scent of that little spray of oil you get when you dig your thumbnail into a tangerine to peel it. Amazingly true to the fruit.
DSP CA 162 Vodka – 3 pack Assortment:
One 200ML bottle each of Straight, Buddha's Hand Citron, and Malaysian Lime, superb examples of craft-method work with real fruit.